Terms of Use

1. Terms and Conditions

General Pacific L.L.C. (“Lofty Homes”) is the legitimate owner of this site to provide visitors information and communication. We hope you enjoy surfing the site. You are allowed to download materials but you may not redistribute, reproduce, reuse, modify, etc. them in any forms and by any means without General Pacific L.L.C.’s explicit written permission. Materials include but not limited to text, images, audio, videos, documents, etc. Accessing General Pacific L.L.C.’s website and using them means you are subject to the following Terms and Conditions and any applicable laws. These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Massachusetts, without giving effect to its conflicts of laws provision or your actual state or country of residence.

Please read carefully and abide by the terms.

It is a good idea to presume that everything published on the Site that you have access to is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, redistributed, modified, changed, etc. without permission. Any use of materials on the Site without permission may be exposed to infringement of assets and materials legally owned by General Pacific L.L.C. and other 3 rd  parties.

General Pacific L.L.C. though makes efforts to ensure the information on the Site is accurate and up-to-date; General Pacific L.L.C. does not warrant absolute accuracy. General Pacific L.L.C. has no liability for any errors that might occur on the Site.

You are fully aware and agree that your use of the Site’s services and browsing information on the Site is at your own risk. General Pacific L.L.C. and affiliate content creators and service providers presume no liability and responsibility for any risks that may induce.

You agree to protect and defend General Pacific L.L.C., its employees, affiliate partners, agents, etc. against any and all harms and damages that happen as a consequence of your use of our services and your activities on the Site.

The trademarks, logos, and product or service marks (collectively referred to as “Trademarks”) displayed and used on the Site, including but not limited to the registered General Pacific L.L.C. logo and trademark, the registered Lofty Homes logo and trademark, are the legal assets owned by General Pacific L.L.C. in the United States and respective owners and they are protected by laws. Any use of these assets without permission or against terms and conditions here may be exposed to infringement.

General Pacific has not reviewed and approved any external sources of information or 3 rd  party websites linked to the Site. General Pacific L.L.C. may not be liable for the content of external sources. All links created to other sites are for the purpose of providing informational and educational content only. General Pacific neither endorses nor recommends products or services on those sites.

Any information and material you post on the Site and disseminate through the Site are non-confidential. General Pacific reserves the right to use these materials in any manner, including but not limited to the reproduction, redistribution, revision, disclosure, transmission, deletion, removal, etc. In addition, these materials become the property of General Pacific L.L.C. and General Pacific L.L.C. is not liable to compensation and acknowledgment to you.

General Pacific L.L.C. reserves the right to change and update these terms and conditions at any time without notifications. Hence, you are encouraged to check this site frequently to be advised of new terms. Any requests upon using our materials or claims of copyright infringement regarding them should be sent to:

Attention: Legal Department
General Pacific L.L.C.
21 N Montello Street,
Brockton, MA 02301

A claim of infringement must be communicated in written form and includes the following:

1. Signed with the physical or electronic signature of the representative who is legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the infringed assets.

2. Identifiable evidence of the copyrighted assets that have allegedly been claimed to be infringed.

3. Identification of the assets that are being claimed to be committing infringement.

4. Adequate contact information that allows General Pacific L.L.C. to contact the claimer when needed.

5. The foundation based on which the claiming party believes that the use of the assets in the manner complained is of infringement; and.

6. A statement that the complaining party is legally authorized to act upon the authorization of the legitimate owner of the assets, and all information mentioned in the claim of infringement is accurate.

2. Users' Responsibilities

Though General Pacific L.L.C. will do its best to secure and protect user information, It is also the user’s responsibility to protect their own personal information. User information includes but not limited to account personal information, account username, and password, messages communicated on the website, emails sent using the contact form on the website. Personal photos, name, signature, comments, and messages you make on forums and bulletins on this website is not private information and is made public.

It is your obligation not to spam our website, not to use copyrighted information without permission, and not to commit illegal activities. You must be responsible for any infringement and misappropriate use of information and trademarks, patents, of other people, and organizations that are protected by laws.

You must not disseminate spyware, viruses, trojans, and other harmful computer software that would cause harm to or manipulate computer systems and/or puts a risk to privacy and security data.

In case of wrongful conduct, we reserve the right to use or disclose your information to the authorities for the purpose of investigations, required by laws.

General Pacific L.L.C. reserves the right to discontinue any services on this website related or not related to your account without liability to you, to other users, or to any 3 rd  parties. We may modify, change, or remove any information you provide on this website except your personal identification information including name, email address, phone number, location address, personal photos. Providing false and/or misleading information and/or committing acts that violate others’ privacy may result in your account being permanently terminated.